At we consider the privacy of our visitors to be extremely important.

Personal information collected on our website or in communication with us will be for internal use only and will not be sold or shared with third parties.

Personal information we collect may include your name and surname, email address, telephone number, mobile number, delivery address, date of birth, gender and non-personal browsing habits and click patterns.

Your personal information will be used in the following ways:

  • To deliver the products you have purchased from Kiddiebooks.
  • To communicate with you about an order, delivery, an enquiry or to provide you with product information.

When you register on our website, we may also use your personal information to send you marketing materials now and then. You can unsubscribe from marketing information at any time by informing us. 

Security of your personal information

Kiddiebooks stores all personal information collected securely, by:

  • Restricting access to your personal information
  • Preventing unauthorised access to our computers
  • Destroying your personal information securely when it is longer required to keep

Disclosure of your personal information

Your information will only be shared with third parties directly related to the delivery of the products you have purchased from our website.

In exceptional cases it may be shared if required for law enforcement or when someone’s life is in danger.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

Kiddiebooks reserves the right to modify and change the Privacy Policy at any time. Any changes to this policy will be published on our site.


If you are unhappy with the way Kiddiebooks handles your personal information, please contact us at